In today’s economy, most vehicle owners are interested in saving some dollars on vehicle maintenance. If you have the right tools on hand and just a little bit of know-how, you can take care of some basic car maintenance right in your driveway.
Here are 4 items every vehicle owner should have on hand:
- Tire-Pressure Gauge - Flat tires can be safety hazards, so checking the air pressure regularly is important. A tire pressure gauge is especially necessary for radial tires. Take the extra time to regularly check the air pressure to avoid unexpected car maintenance and premature tire purchases.
- Shop Towels - Keep a roll of shop towels handy at home, and a few in your glove box too. They are useful for all kinds of tasks, especially for checking your oil. When you initially pull the dipstick out, it’s coated with oil, so wipe it off before reinserting it for accurate measurement. You’ll be glad to have those shop towels around for all other kinds of spills and wipes.
- Funnel - An all-purpose funnel will come in handy when it’s time to add that extra bit of needed oil. You don’t want to spill flammable liquid on a hot engine. It also comes in handy if you need to add water or coolant to the radiator. Checking and adding fluids as necessary will save you expensive vehicle maintenance costs in the future.
- Jack Stands - These come in handy if, for example, you start hearing the mournful groan of dying brake pads and you need to take care of a minor brake repair. Or perhaps you plan on changing your own oil. To be safe, have a pair of jack stands--one for each side of your vehicle.
You will find repeated use for these do-it-yourself tools as you continue to service your car. Taking care of your own vehicle maintenance can save you a considerable amount of money in the long run. It will also give you a positive sense of accomplishment as you personally take care of your automobile. Of course, if you’re not comfortable and feel uneasy about any of your car maintenance issues, seek the advice of a professional.
If you’re needing professional vehicle maintenance to make sure your car or truck is operating as safe as possible, contact our ASE-Certified Technicians today by calling (763) 389-3811, or go online at for more information. Since 1997, our auto repair shop has served vehicle owners in Princeton, MN, and in the surrounding areas of Milaca, MN and Zimmerman, MN.
Car Maintenance Advice: If you have the right tools on hand and just a little bit of know-how, you can save money on vehicle maintenance at Auto shop.In today’s economy, most vehicle owners are interested in saving some dollars on vehicle maintenance. If you have the right tools on hand and just a little bit of know-how, you can take care of some basic car maintenance right in your driveway.
Here are 4 items every vehicle owner should have on hand:
- Tire-Pressure Gauge - Flat tires can be safety hazards, so checking the air pressure regularly is important. A tire pressure gauge is especially necessary for radial tires. Take the extra time to regularly check the air pressure to avoid unexpected car maintenance and premature tire purchases.
- Shop Towels - Keep a roll of shop towels handy at home, and a few in your glove box too. They are useful for all kinds of tasks, especially for checking your oil. When you initially pull the dipstick out, it’s coated with oil, so wipe it off before reinserting it for accurate measurement. You’ll be glad to have those shop towels around for all other kinds of spills and wipes.
- Funnel - An all-purpose funnel will come in handy when it’s time to add that extra bit of needed oil. You don’t want to spill flammable liquid on a hot engine. It also comes in handy if you need to add water or coolant to the radiator. Checking and adding fluids as necessary will save you expensive vehicle maintenance costs in the future.
- Jack Stands - These come in handy if, for example, you start hearing the mournful groan of dying brake pads and you need to take care of a minor brake repair. Or perhaps you plan on changing your own oil. To be safe, have a pair of jack stands--one for each side of your vehicle.
You will find repeated use for these do-it-yourself tools as you continue to service your car. Taking care of your own vehicle maintenance can save you a considerable amount of money in the long run. It will also give you a positive sense of accomplishment as you personally take care of your automobile. Of course, if you’re not comfortable and feel uneasy about any of your car maintenance issues, seek the advice of a professional.
If you’re needing professional vehicle maintenance to make sure your car or truck is operating as safe as possible, contact our ASE-Certified Technicians today by calling (763) 389-3811, or go online at for more information. Since 1997, our auto repair shop has served vehicle owners in Princeton, MN, and in the surrounding areas of Milaca, MN and Zimmerman, MN.